Digital Business Management Assistant, providing a completely independent risk assessment and management system
BELL is the system for controlling and managing key risk indicators. Due to the presence in the system of a module of in-depth analysis of relationships of risk indicators and control procedures, the system allows the business user to understand and evaluate how to adequately and optimally respond to emerging risk-events.
BELL key features
Internal audit and control dashboards
Integration with open-source reporting tools, database of generic reports, integration with data stores
Risk indicators settings

Web interfaces for adjusting the connections of indicators and risks, algorithms for calculating indicators. Autocount indicators
Management of risk calculation models
Support for embedding internal risk-event models of any complexity (maps, rules, python models)
Internal audit and control processes
Ability to configure internal audit and control processes, including process planning
License transparency

Complete independence from external software and ability to work on unix operating systems
Unlimited customization

Adaptability of the system to risk management processes of any specificity
Cases of implementation
Cases of implementation in fintech
Cases of implementation in enterprise
Cases of implementation in logistics, shipping, tracking
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